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Q. Why another Linux distribution?

A. We felt that there are too many distributions around, which only confuses users. Aside the different desktop environments, each distribution implements its own rules concerning software and library versions. This, soon or later, leads to incompatibilities and issues. Arch partially solves this problem, giving the user full choice and using always the latest software and libraries as they become available. However, it is a distributions for advanced users, as one needs to build his preferred environment from scratch. Phantom Linux solves this issue, but also goes one step further that makes it unique: It introduces an environment that is already familiar to the user.

Q. Is Phantom Linux a real distribution or does it just copy from other distributions?

A. Phantom Linux adheres to the KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid). Therefore, it believes in reuse and strives to keep any other software customization to a minimum. If existing software is enough to reach a certain goal, there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Phantom Linux is like a robe tailored to Arch Linux. Seeing a person naked or with a robe is a different thing. Therefore, Phantom Linux is a real distribution with its own philosophy.

Q. Are there periodical releases?

A. Phantom Linux is a rolling release, as it is based on Arch Linux. That is, once installed, it receives continuous updates and is always in its latest version. That said, Phantom Linux publishes, when needed, updates the ISOs, but those are only to keep a bit on pace with the updates and serve only for the first installation.


Q. Why an antivirus? It is known that Linux needs no antivirus

A. Almost all viruses target Microsoft Windows™ systems. Some target iOS. Almost none (maybe a ten) threatens Linux. Therefore, usually, Linux users feel safe. An antivirus on Linux is mostly found on servers, for example to block dangerous mail, but rarely on a desktop. We decided to include it because users coming from other operating systems mostly feel uncomfortable without one. Moreover, it adds an extra level of security.

Q. Is Phantom Linux subject to ramsonware?

A. Generally speaking, no. Most ransomware programs need to run in a Windows environment and cannot run on Linux. However, there may be exceptions, so it is always good to keep an open eye. As per Murphy's law, “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong”. A safe computer is a computer turned off. So, there can be no guarantee.

Q. Does Phantom Linux offer disk encryption?

A. Yes, during installation you can choose to encrypt disks.


Q. How to I make Phantom Linux lighter so that it may run on older hardware or just be more performing?

A. If you are on hardware constraints, the first thing to look for is if you have a Nvidia card. If you don't have it, you may simply remove the driver. If you have an old Nvidia card, you need to find a compatible driver, which may not be the latest one. If this is true, you may remove the driver and replace it with a suitable version. To remove it, launch a terminal and run sudo pacman -R nvidia-dkms, or remove the nvidia-dkms package via the App Center. The second thing that you probably do not need is the antivirus. You may evaluate that Linux is rarely virtually unaffected by viruses, and an antivirus takes a good deal of memory (RAM). To remove it, launch a terminal and run sudo pacman -R clamav, or remove the clamav package via the App Center.

faq.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/17 07:07 by phantom