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Differences Among OSes

In this page, we convey our opinion, which may or may not reflect the opinion of others.

Microsoft Windows™ is a general OS that can be used for just anything. It is the most widely used, so you are likely to get your work done with it. However, many specialized industries prefer other more dedicated OSes. For example, audio and video production mostly runs on Macs. Windows will just not perform the same. Moreover, it is not always intuitive, but tends to get cluttered. Something, sometimes, does not work, or you will get a blue screen, or simply you will get a virus or see your entire work going in smoke because you had a ransomware attack. Being closed source, if you want to modify or customize a program you are mostly out of luck. This is not something that everybody does anyway, but it serves to prove that there are limitations in what one can do.

iOS™ is a more specialized OS that favors simplicity, intuitive usage, an environment where everything just works out of the box, and user friendliness. It is favored by many industries, such as for audio and video production. While it made sense to get it in its early life, when it was running on Powerpc - a specialized hardware that surpassed all other hardware around - nowadays it only runs on certain hardware that is usually not on par with the technological progress. Due to its fame, it is mostly adopted by people who think that it is simpler to use, or just have lot of money. Indeed, it is usually very pricey, just to get a sub-standard system. Despite iOS makes life easier for that which it was designed for, try to make it do something that wasn't taken into account and it will prove a daunting task. In the Apple world, all revolves around “big money” and is closed source. So, if you want something non-standard, you need to have a big pocket.

Linux is a general OS that could be compared to Windows, but with less hardware support in general. It's large community of advanced used and the many decades of development turned it into the most complete and authoritative OS after Windows. Hardware support has gone to a very large extent and probably you will find no issue. But hardware manufacturers rarely release drivers for Linux, so they are usually always community contributed. The term Linux just refers to a kernel, with which an infinite numbers of “OSes”, called “distributions”, may be created. Thus, there is no standard reference. Every distribution creates its own packaging systems, its desktop environment, etc. This, of course, is discouraging for newcomers, as they are left with many different environments, often incompatibles among themselves. Moreover, Linux has the fame of being for hackers, not ordinary users. Phantom Linux leverages these shortcomings, as it adopts a friendly environment a user is already used to. Anybody can use it, as it is conceived with Apple's “ease of mind” concept, still retaining elegance and lightness.

differences.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/17 07:04 by phantom